KOPI 434 

Brand Story

CLIENT : Kopi 434
Tittle : Company Brand Story
Photographer : EDDIE SEE

One of the famous coffee Manufacture from Southern Malaysia,KOPI 434 has been over 70 years.
Sai Kee Kopi was founded by Mr. Kiar Han Sai in 1953. As the word Kee that means ‘remember’ in Mandarin, the late Mr. Kiar loved using this term to remind his family for generations that no matter how successful the business is, they should always appreciate what they have and never forget all the hardship that the family had to go through to build the business.

This is the 434 legacy, loved by many for close to 70 years. Kopi penuh sejarah, tak pernah lapuk dek zaman. 


KOPI 434 是南马著名咖啡厂之一,已有70多年的历史。
Sai Kee Kopi 由 Kiar Han Sai 先生于 1953 年创立。Kee 一词在普通话中是“记住”的意思,已故的 Kiar 先生喜欢用这个词来提醒他的家族几代人,无论生意多么成功,他们应该永远珍惜自己所拥有的,永远不要忘记家族为创业所经历的所有艰辛。这是 434 的遗产,近 70 年来一直受到许多人的喜爱。 Kopi penuh sejarah,tak pernah lapuk dek zaman。


KOPI 434 Website: